
Thank you for visiting our website!
St. John's United Church of Christ in Du Quoin welcomes you to our place in cyberspace.
We hope you find the information here to be useful. If we've left something out, or you simply need more information, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our e-mail address is:
Our first, foremost, and overarching task is to proclaim the Good News of God's grace which was embodied in Jesus. We are called to do this in both word and deed.
Now, if you're looking for a fellowship of perfect people, you would be well-advised to move on, and not look back, because we will disappoint you. Not a one of us is (or claims to be) perfect.
The good news is...We don't expect or demand perfection from you, either!
We are imperfect people embraced by God's perfect love. That's what holds us together.
It doesn't matter if other people, or other churches, or even YOU think you are somehow unwelcome or unworthy. Jesus says you are...and who are we to argue with him? There's always room for one more.